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application of several mining leases at the McCowen and Nine Mile deposits on the western margin of the Mole Granite. Wolfram fissure vein deposits were discovered, and a new 50 t.p.h. mill installed to produce high grade wolfram concentrates, which were contracted to Metal Traders Ltd., London, who became interested in our development,
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27 of Saidulanama RF of Nalgonda Division for laying drinking water Pipeline CC Road, , 28 of Saraswathi canal under SR SP In Adilabad Dist , 23, Andhra Pradesh, Diversion of Forest land for renewal of mining lease , 88, Andhra Pradesh, Mining lease for Black Granite in favour of M/s Vishnu Granites, Mahal....
27 of Saidulanama RF of Nalgonda Division for laying drinking water Pipeline CC Road, , 28 of Saraswathi canal under SR SP In Adilabad Dist , 23, Andhra Pradesh, Diversion of Forest land for renewal of mining lease , 88, Andhra Pradesh, Mining lease for Black Granite in favour of M/s Vishnu Granites, Mahal....
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