Tests were conducted to determine the properties of plastic aggregate such as density, specific gravity and aggregate crushing value. As 100% replacement of natural coarse aggregate (NCA) with plastic coarse aggregate (PCA) is not feasible, partial replacement at various percentage were examined [8], [9].
The aggregate crushing value test shows the strength of aggregate which is one of the most important properties of coarse aggregate. The aggregate crushing value gives a related action of resistance to crushing under a gradually applied compressive load. For achieving a premium quality of pavement, an aggregate of higher crushing strength such
Desirable Aggregate Crushing value. Strong aggregates give low aggregate crushing value. Preferably the aggregate crushing value of the coarse aggregate used for cement concrete pavement at surface should not exceed 30 percent. For aggregates used for concrete other than for wearing surfaces, the aggregates crushing value shall not exceed 45
The crushing value of the coarse aggregate is defined as the relative measure of the resistance which is offered by the aggregate to the crushing under the gradually applied load. #2 Impact value of Aggregate ( IS 2386 Part IV -1963)
Table 3: Properties of Coarse Aggregate S.No Description Test Results 1 Nominal size used 20mm 2 Specific gravity 2.9 3 Impact value 10.5 4 Water absorption 0.15% 5 Sieve analysis 20mm 6 Aggregate crushing value 20.19% 7 Bulk density of coarse aggregate (Poured density) Bulk density of coarse aggregate (Tapped density) 1687.31kg/m3
FACT Value (10% Fines Aggregate Crushing Value) of Coarse Aggregates Issue 2006 of South African national standard: Author: Standards South Africa: Publisher: Standards South Africa, 2006: ISBN: 0626176069, 9780626176068: Length: 2 pages : Export Citation: BiBTeX EndNote RefMan
Aggregate Crushing Value Civil Engineering aggregate crushing value This test helps to determine the aggregate crushing value of coarse aggregates as per IS 2386 Part IV – 1963 The apparatus used is Cylindrical measure and plunger Compression testing machine IS Sieves of sizes – 12 5mm 10mm and 2 36mm Get Price
Coarse aggregates (Fig. 5-2) consist of one or a com-CHAPTER 5 tional stone crushing equipment can be used, and new crushed aggregate requires slightly higher values. Fine aggregate content is usually 35% to 45% by mass or volume of the total aggregate content.
AGGREGATE CRUSHING VALUE This test helps to determine the aggregate crushing value of coarse aggregates as per IS: 2386 (Part IV) – 1963. The apparatus used is Cylindrical measure and plunger, Compression testing machine, IS Sieves of sizes – 12.5mm, 10mm and 2.36mm Procedure to determine Aggregate Crushing Value i) The aggregates passing through 12.5mm […]
Crushing resistance of coarse aggregate is the key to the stability and durability of the skeleton structure of permeable asphalt (PA) mixture. To determine the technical requirements of crushing value of coarse aggregate used in PA mixture, step-loading compression tests were conducted on the mixtures of PA-13 and a control asphalt mixture AC-13, respectively.
The aggregates crushing value test should be performed as per IS code 2386 Part IV. First, fill the sample aggregate with one-third of the cylindrical measure in three layers. Each layer should be tamped 25times freely. After filling the sample aggregate, weigh and record it as W1. Now fill the aggregate in the mould along with the plunger on top.
2.1.2 Crushed Stone Sand
The aggregate crushing value should not exceed 45% for aggregate used for concrete other than for wearing surfaces, and 30 % for concrete for wearing surfaces, such as runways, roads for pavements. Aggregate impact value gives a relative measure of the resistance of an aggregate to sudden shock or impact, As an alternative to
The aggregate crushing value test indicates the strength of aggregate which is the most essential property of coarse aggregate. The aggregate crushing value provides a relative measure of resistance to crushing under a gradually applied compressive load. For achieving a high quality of pavement, aggregate of higher crushing strength i.e. low
Coarse aggregates are used in all fields of construction to produce bituminous mixtures and concrete to be used in structures, fill materials and as base materials in foundations, roads and railways. Particle Size Distribution Specific Gravity Flakiness Aggregate Impact Value(AIV) Aggregate Crushing Value(ACV) Los Angeles Abrasion Rock Strength PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION Analysis of coarse …
The crushed aggregate sample which is finer than 2.36 mm is separated and expressed as a percentage of the original weight taken in the mould. The percentage of weight passed through the 2.36m IS sieve is known as Aggregate crushing value.. In situations, when the aggregate value 30 or higher the result may be a mistake and in such cases, the “ten percent fines value” should be determined
Flaky and Elongated pieces should not be present in aggregate mass. Aggregate crushing value should not exceed 45 percent for aggregate used for concrete other than for wearing surfaces, and 30 percent for concrete for wearing surfaces, such as runways, roads and pavements.
Flaky and Elongated pieces should not be present in aggregate mass. Aggregate crushing value should not exceed 45 percent for aggregate used for concrete other than for wearing surfaces, and 30 percent for concrete for wearing surfaces, such as runways, roads and pavements.
Aggregate crushing value test on coarse aggregates gives a relative measure of the resistance of an aggregate crushing under gradually applied compressive load in accordance to IS: 2386 – 1963 part IV (reaffirmed in 2016). Coarse aggregate crushing value is the percentage by weight of the
~Indian Roads Congress and IS) have specified that the aggregate crushing value of the coarse aggregates used for cement concrete pavement at surface should not exceed 30 percent. For aggregates used for concreteothet than for wearing surfaces, the aggregate crushing value shall not exceed 45 percent, according to the ISS.
The strength of coarse aggregates is assessed by aggregates crushing test. The aggregate crushing value provides a relative measure of resistance to crushing under a gradually applied compressive load. To achieve a high quality of pavement, aggregate possessing low aggregate crushing value should be preferred.
AGGREGATE CRUSHING VALUE 1.Objective The aggregate crushing value gives a relative measure of the resistance of an aggregate to crushing under a gradually applied compressive load. With aggregate of aggregate crushing value 30 or higher, the result may be anomalous, and in such cases the ten percent fines value should be determined instead.
The ‘ aggregate crushing value test ` gives a relative measure of the resistance of an aggregate to crushing under a gradually applied compressive load. Aggregate crushing value is defined as the percentage by weight of the crushed (or finer) material obtained when the test aggregates are subjected to a specified load under standardized
The aggregate crushing value test shows the strength of aggregate which is one of the most important properties of coarse aggregate. The aggregate crushing value gives a related action of resistance to crushing under a gradually applied compressive load. For achieving a premium quality of pavement, an aggregate of higher crushing strength such
1) To determine the aggregate crushing value of coarse aggregates 2) To assess suitability of aggregates for use in different types of road pavement 2. PRINCIPLE The aggregate crushing value gives a relative measure of the resistance of an aggregate to crushing under a gradually applied compressive load. Crushing value is a
1) To determine the aggregate crushing value of coarse aggregates 2) To assess suitability of aggregates for use in different types of road pavement 2. PRINCIPLE The aggregate crushing value gives a relative measure of the resistance of an aggregate to crushing under a gradually applied compressive load. Crushing value is a
It also showed the moisture percent contained in the fine aggregate sample was 2.56%, the workability of the tested concrete of mix ratio1: 1 1/2 2 was 0.95, the Impact Value (toughness) of the
Aggregate crushing value test on coarse aggregates gives a relative measure of the resistance of an aggregate crushing under gradually applied compressive load. Coarse aggregate crushing value is the percentage by weight of the crushed material obtained when test aggregates are subjected to a specified load under standardized conditions.
Compared to the untreated coarse aggregate, the crushing values of microwave treated aggregates also showed an increasing trend. The crushing values of M2-T4, M3-T4, M4-T4 and M5-T4 aggregate were 16.2%, 17.4%, 18.9% and 22.5%, respectively. For M2-TX aggregate, its water absorption and crushing value index are smaller than untreated samples.
Determine the aggregate crushing value of coarse aggregate 2. Check the suitability of coarse aggregates to use in different types of road. Apparatus Required for Crushing value test. 1. A balance should be accurate up to 1 gm 2. IS sieves of size 12.5 mm, 10 mm, and 2.36 mm 3. Mould, measuring cylinder with plunger and base plate
AIM: To determine the aggregate crushing value of coarse aggregates as per IS: 2386 (Part IV)
It also showed the moisture percent contained in the fine aggregate sample was 2.56%, the workability of the tested concrete of mix ratio1: 1 1/2 2 was 0.95, the Impact Value (toughness) of the